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  ARM Versatile emulation baseboard 에 PICO Express 결과물 올리기 #5 
작성일시 : 2007. 9. 5. 11:11 | 분류 : 컴퓨터/PICO Express

technical support FAQs ask ARM *

downarrow How do I install the pre-built Linux images on my ARM RealView development board?

Applies to: AB926EJ-S, Core Tiles, Emulation Baseboard (EB), PB926EJ-S, Versatile

Note: These instructions use a clean PB926EJ-S system as an example. Memory address values may differ on other boards or if there are additional images stored in the flash.

It should be pointed out that ARM does not support Linux. These instructions are provided in order to assist customers who are using our development boards and wish to run one of the Linux kernel images posted on

This FAQ describes the process of installing existing images onto a development board - for instructions regarding how to rebuild these images see "How do I rebuild the Linux kernel for my ARM RealView development board".

1. Ensure that there is a working, Flash-resident Boot Monitor image in your board

The development board needs to have a working Boot Monitor in Flash in order for these instructions to work. To verify this:

  • Connect the serial console cable supplied with your board to your computer and Uart0 on the development board.
  • Configure a terminal emulator (such as HyperTerminal or TeraTerm) to connect to the serial port you connected the cable to on your computer. The settings should be: baud rate 38400, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control.

When you turn on the power to your board, you should see a startup message similar to the following in your terminal emulator:

ARM Versatile/PB926EJ-S Boot Monitor
Version:    V2.0.2
Build Date: Apr 12 2005
Endian:     Little

If your boot monitor does not work, follow the instructions in your development board user guide ("getting started" section) to program a Boot Monitor into your board. This includes the DIP switch settings to make Boot Monitor run.

2. Program the Linux and Boot Loader images into Flash on your board

First download the pre-built U-Boot, Linux kernel and Cramfs images from There are different U-Boot and Linux kernel images for the EB and xB926EJ-S boards, but the Cramfs image will work on any of the boards.

To avoid typing long pathnames into the Boot Monitor console, and any command length restrictions, put the images in some location with a short path - e.g. c:\temp. You can also rename the image files if required.

In order to write the U-Boot and Linux kernel images to the flash,  you first need to start the boot monitor in semihosted mode under RVD. This can be done in one of two ways:

  • Connect to the board, load the boot_monitor.axf for your board and select "Run" from the Debug menu (will work on all boards).
  • Connect to the board, select "Reset Target Processor" and then "Run" from the Debug menu (will not work on EB + MPCore).

You should now see the Boot Monitor startup message and command prompt, similar to the one you saw when verifying that you had a working Boot Monitor above.

Switch to the "Flash" submenu of the Boot Monitor:

> flash

Write the U-Boot, Linux kernel and Cramfs images to flash (depending on your version of Boot Monitor, there may be a progress indicator for each command):

Flash> write image c:\temp\u-boot_versatilepb.axf
Flash> write binary c:\temp\uImage-2.6.17-arm1-versatile
Flash> write binary c:\temp\base.cramfs

List the images in flash - you will need these addresses later on:

Flash> list images
Flash Area Base 0x34000000
Address     Name
-------     ----
0x34000000  Boot_Monitor_202
0x34040000  u-boot_versatilepb
0x34080000  uImage-2.6
0x341C0000  base

3. Modify U-Boot parameters

Close down RVD and reset the development board using the Reset button. When again presented with the Boot Monitor command prompt on the serial console, enter the command (obviously adapted to the actual image name):

> flash run u-boot_versatilepb

You should now be presented with an output similar to:

U-Boot 1.1.4 (Jul 25 2006 - 07:27:29)

DRAM:   0 kB
Flash: 64 MB
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  2

Press a key to abort the boot process, as we have not yet finished configuring the system. You will again be presented with a command prompt - this time one with the name of your development board, for example:

VersatilePB #

Now enter the commands:

VersatilePB # setenv bootargs root=/dev/mtdblock0 mtdparts=armflash.0:<cramfs size>@<cramfs offset>(cramfs) ip=dhcp mem=128M console=ttyAMA0
VersatilePB # setenv bootcmd cp <kernel address> 0x7fc0 0x100000\; bootm
VersatilePB # saveenv


  • <cramfs size> is the size of the base.cramfs image in kilobytes, with a 'k' appended - in this case 7888k.
  • <cramfs offset> is the offset of the cramfs image from the start of flash - in this case 0x341C0000-0x34000000, 0x1C0000.
  • <kernel address> is the address of the kernel image in flash - in this case 0x34080000.

4. Running your Linux system

After U-Boot has finished saving its settings and returns the prompt, press the reset button again. Run U-Boot from the Boot Monitor prompt again as above, and hopefully your Linux system should now boot up completely.

You should be able to interact with the system either by using a VGA monitor, keyboard and mouse or through the serial console. Log in as "root" with no password.

 To automate system startup in the future, it is possible to set up a 'boot script' within Boot Monitor to invoke U-Boot automatically at reset. Please refer to your development board user guide for instructions and DIP switch settings.

  ARM Versatile emulation baseboard 에 PICO Express 결과물 올리기 #4 
작성일시 : 2007. 9. 3. 17:02 | 분류 : 컴퓨터/PICO Express

보드에 linux 올리기

Linux Operating System Downloads ask ARM
dotted rule

Linux Operating System Download

Linux Operating SystemARM contributes support for RealView Integrator and RealView platforms to the main Linux kernel.This page contains Linux kernel images, patches and utilities to run Linux on ARM processors. Linux is the version of Linux running on processors with Memory Management Unit (MMU). Processors without MMU can run a modified version of Linux called uClinux. This page also provide pre-built uClinux images for some of ARM processors.


The current 2.6 Linux kernel version includes support for the following processors:

Please, refer to for new versions of the Linux kernel and new developments. More specific ARM Linux discussion groups patches and information can also be found on the ARM Linux project website and ARM Linux Wiki site . Source and binary versions of the GNU GCC compiler are available from as well as discussion groups.

The following components are provided to support these platforms:

  • Boot loader: U-Boot
  • Pre-built Linux kernel, including sources and a binary image
  • Configuration files for building the kernel
  • Filesystem with pre-built utilities and applications
  • Notes to install and setup Linux on your platform

The table below contains a set of pre-built images for each ARM platform:

Platform \ Images


Linux Images
RealView Integrator-CP

U-Boot Integrator (115Kb)

RealView Versatile PB/AB

U-Boot Versatile (220Kb)

Versatile images (1.1Mb)

RealView EB (incl. CT1136 and MPCore)

U-Boot RealView EB  (118Kb)

Cortex-A8 (Integrator model)


Patch-2.6.21-arm1.gz (54Kb) should be used against 2.6.21 kernel source tree to produce the binary kernel images supplied on this page. Note that these patches are also available from the following GIT repository.

Patch-2.6.21-arm1-t2_1 (31Kb) contains an initial Thumb-2 patch against 2.6.21 Linux kernel to run the kernel in Thumb-2 mode on Cortex-A8 platform. This patch should be applied on top of the previous patch (i.e. patch-2.6.21-arm1). Some additional notes are available at the following Page on how to build a standalone image (.axf) to run on a software platform model.

Note that only pre-built images for ARM processors from ARMv5 are provided on this page. Images for ARMv4 processors, marked with an asterisk (*) in the above list, can be built from source.

The kernel provided with this release is compiled with EABI support and supports running of Thumb-2 based applications, handling of VFP and Neon registers. The pre-built RealView/EB MPCore image supplied on this page supports boards revisions C and D.

U-Boot binaries available for download on this page have been compiled from the following Sources. Patches have also been submitted to the U-Boot project list.

The following RVI-DCC patch can be applied in addition to the 2.6.19 kernel patch provided on this page to add support for kernel debugging through RVI-DCC connexion. Additional information is available from the following location.

The following pre-built filesystem images can be used with each ARM platform:

This compressed filesystem image has been produced from the following Packages (55Mb) file. These packages can be used to generate a compressed RAM filesystem image (cramfs) or a JFFS based filesystem image. Applications and libraries provided here have been compiled for ARMv5, using the soft-float option and default GNU compiler options which are now using the new ABI for the ARM Architecture as default. Please consult the README file provided in the ARM_Embedded_Linux archive (top directory) with regard to access to the source code of these packages.

The current 2.6 Linux kernel contains support for the following peripherals:

  • UART (PL010, PL011), Interrupt Controller (VIC, GIC), KMI (PL050), RTC (PL030),
  • VGA/LCD (PL110), AACI (PL041), VFP, Ethernet (PL092), LAN9118, LAN91C111
  • MMC, Timers, PCI, L2C (220)

These images have been generated using GCC 4.2 and GNU libc 2.5. Please, visit for more information on sources and binary distributions of GNU GCC tools for ARM. A pre-built version of the compiler and libraries is provided here for convenience (2007Q1-21 release):

  • GCC 4.2 (arm-none-linux-gnueabi target): binary (87Mb)


The patch provided on this page include support for uClinux with the following ARM processors:

Please, refer to for more information, documentation, mailing lists and additional resources.

The table below contains pre-built uClinux image for ARM1156T2-S processor on ARM IntegratorCP.

Platform \ Images


uClinux kernel Image

RealView Integrator CP

U-Boot Integrator (115Kb)

uClinux (1Mb)

RealView EB

U-Boot RealView EB  (118Kb)

uClinux (1Mb)

Patch-2.6.21-arm1.gz (54Kb) contains necessary changes to be applied against 2.6.21 kernel source tree to produce binary uClinux kernel images. These kernel images have been produced using GNU GCC 4.2.

The following ROM filesystem can be used with the supplied uClinux kernel images:  romfs (928Kb). This romfs image has been produced by the uClinux community from the following location and using the following toolchain. Please, note that the toolchain used to produce this romfs uses the old ARM ABI.

The source code used to build these binary packages is available under the terms of the GNU Public License. This software is provided with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Page updated: July 23, 2007

  ARM Versatile emulation baseboard 에 PICO Express 결과물 올리기 #3 
작성일시 : 2007. 9. 2. 18:39 | 분류 : 컴퓨터/PICO Express

Progcards ask ARM *
dotted rule

[Updated, 19 June 2007 - progcards_multiice v2.56, progcards_usb v2.67, progcards_rvi v1.01]

'Progcards' is a programming utility used to update the programmable logic (FPGAs or PLDs) on most ARM development boards. There are now three versions of progcards available, each for use with a different ARM JTAG interface:

progcards_multiice.exe is the original progcards.exe program, renamed. This works with an ARM Multi-ICE JTAG unit, and must have the Multi-ICE Server application running and correctly configured to allow board programming.

progcards_usb.exe is the variant of progcards that works with the built-in USB/JTAG unit on some ARM development boards, e.g. the PB926EJ-S. The RVI-ME USB driver must be loaded on the host machine to enable this device. The driver is included on the CD-ROM that ships with the development board.

progcards_rvi.exe is the latest addition to the progcards family. This enables ARM development boards to be programmed with a RealView ICE (RVI) unit. Note that the RVI must be loaded with firmware v1.4.1 or later for progcards_rvi to work. The latest RVI firmware and installation instructions can be downloaded from:

progcards.exe is now just a banner program, which tells the user to run one of the executables listed above.

For each progcards variant, a number of other executable files may need to be present in the installation directory for the application to function. These are included in the relevant download zipfile. Refer to FileList.txt in the zipfile for further information.

The selected progcards utility must also be used in conjunction with a set of 'boardfiles', which are the FPGA/PLD binary configuration images and programming scripts. These must be downloaded separately and extracted into the progcards installation directory:

Historically, the progcards utility was included in each boardfiles download, but due to the logistics of keeping all these files up to date, we are now providing progcards as a separate download.

To determine which version of the progcards utilities you have installed, run the relevant .exe file from a DOS command window and check the version information displayed in the program's start-up text.

Installation Instructions

Download and unzip the boardfile set of your choice into a clean directory. Extract the progcards files from this download into the same directory, allowing files to be overwritten, if prompted.


Progcards - ARM 개발 보드의 programmable logic 에 이미지를 올리기 위해 사용되는 프로그램
  ARM Versatile emulation baseboard 에 PICO Express 결과물 올리기 #2 
작성일시 : 2007. 9. 2. 18:05 | 분류 : 컴퓨터/PICO Express

FPGA 이미지 보드에 올리기 from RealView™ Emulation Baseboard User Guide

2.9. Loading FPGA and PLD images

This section describes the format of the board files and how to use the progcards utilities to load images from the supplied CD into the baseboard and Logic Tile FPGAs and PLDs. The general procedure to load an image is:

  1. Follow the instructions in the Versatile CD Installation Guide to install the software and data files on your hard disk.

  2. Set up the baseboard and Core Tile as described in Setting up the baseboard.

  3. Connect RealView ICE (or Multi-ICE) to the JTAG connector or use a USB cable to connect to the USB debug port as described in Connecting JTAG debugging equipment.


    If you are using Multi-ICE, you must start Multi-ICE server and load an appropriate configuration file.

    Progcards for USB or RealView ICE always uses auto-configuration.

  4. Place the baseboard in configuration mode (Config switch ON) and power on the development system.

  5. Locate the board file (.brd ) that matches your configuration (see Board files).


    The baseboard is shipped with a test image for a CT926EJ-S Core Tile in the FPGA configuration flash. You must load a new FPGA image into the configuration flash before you can use the baseboard. Refer to the application note for your system configuration for specific instructions. If you change the type of Core Tile, you must load new images and a new Boot Monitor for that tile.

    The image file for your configuration also includes a Boot Monitor image for NOR flash. You can also load the Boot Monitor code separately without reloading the FPGA and PLD images, see Loading Boot Monitor into NOR flash.

  6. Run the progcards utility and load the image files into the FPGAs (see Upgrading your hardware). The board file selects the image files to load. Board files have a .brd extension

    2.9.3. Upgrading your hardware

    Use one of the progcards utilities and the board description (*.brd) files to load configuration images to the FPGA. There are three versions of the utility:


    progcards_rvi.exe uses RealView ICE and the JTAG interface. It runs on a PC host in a DOS window and communicates with the RealView ICE interface box.

    See Procedure for progcards_rvi.exe for detailed instructions.


    progcards_multiice.exe uses Multi-ICE and the JTAG interface. It is a TAPOp program that runs on a PC host in a DOS window and communicates with the Multi-ICE server.

    See Procedure for progcards_multiice.exe for detailed instructions.


    progcards_usb.exe uses the built-in USB to JTAG interface logic on the baseboard. A standard USB cable connects the baseboard to the PC running progcards_usb.exe.

    See Procedure for progcards_usb.exe for detailed instructions.


    The latest version of the RVI firmware can be downloaded from the Technical Support area of the ARM web site.

    Procedure for progcards_rvi.exe

    1. Ensure that the RealView ICE firmware is version 1.4.1 (or later) and has the additional patch required for running progcards_rvi. The patch can be downloaded from the downloads page on the Technical Support section of the ARM web site. See the readme file supplied with progcards_rvi for information on updating the firmware.

    2. Connect the 20-way JTAG cable from the RealView ICE JTAG interface to the box header on the platform baseboard. See Figure 2.8.

    3. Move the CONFIG switch S1 to the ON position (see Connecting JTAG debugging equipment). The orange CONFIG LED lights.

    4. Turn on the power.

    5. Start a command window by selecting Run from the Start menu and entering command in the text box.

    6. Change directory to the directory that contains board description (*.brd) files for the design to be programmed.

    7. Start the programming utility by entering progcards_rvi at the command prompt.

    8. A menu is displayed asking which interface box you want to connect to. Select the interface that is connected to the baseboard.


      See the documentation supplied with progcards_rvi for information on connecting directly to a specified interface that is connected to either the network or the local USB connection on the PC.

    9. RVI attempts to autoconfigure. If auto-configuration fails, see the documentation supplied with progcards_rvi.

    10. progcards_rvi searches for board description files that match the JTAG scan chain. All board descriptions matching the first part of the chain are presented as a menu and you can select the file to use.

      progcards_rvi runs through the steps required to completely reprogram the boards. The output is similar to the example transcript is shown in Example 2.2.

    11. To bypass programming a Logic Tile or the baseboard select the Skip option from the menu. progcards_rvi then looks for board description files that match the next segment of scan chain and so on.

      Typically one menu is displayed for the Logic Tile and one menu is displayed for the baseboard. If only one board description matches your hardware, it is automatically selected and no menu is displayed.


      Ensure that the image file you are loading matches your system configuration. If the incorrect files are loaded, the baseboard and tiles might not function or might be unreliable.

    12. After downloading the image completes, turn the baseboard power off and move the CONFIG switch to the OFF position.

    13. Set the configuration switches to match the boot option you are using (see Setting the configuration switches).

    14. Power on the baseboard and use the Boot Monitor to load your application (see Using the baseboard Boot Monitor and platform library).

      If you are not using the Boot Monitor, use a JTAG debugger to load and run an application. See the documentation supplied with your debugger for details.

    Procedure for progcards_multiice.exe

    1. If it is not already installed, install the Multi-ICE server (revision 2.2.6 or later).

    2. Connect the 20-way JTAG cable from the JTAG interface (Multi-ICE) to the box header on the platform baseboard. See Figure 2.8.

    3. Move the CONFIG switch S1 to the ON position (see Connecting JTAG debugging equipment). The orange CONFIG LED lights.

    4. Turn on the power.

    5. Start the Multi-ICE server. See the documentation supplied with the JTAG hardware for details on using the interface.

    6. Select File → Auto-Configure. The display should be updated to show a number of FPGA and PLD devices in the scan chain.


      If auto-configuration fails, you must manually load an appropriate configuration. Select File → Load → Configuration and then choose the file in the multi-ice subdirectory that matches your hardware configuration.

      The configuration files automatically set the transfer timing (TCK) to 1MHz, therefore manually setting the transfer timing is not necessary.

    7. Start a command window by selecting Run from the Start menu and entering command in the text box.

    8. Open a command prompt window and change directory to the directory that contains board description (*.brd) files for the design to be programmed.

    9. The command to start progcards_multiice depends on your hardware setup:

      • If you are using Multi-ICE and the server is running on a different machine than you are using to enter the commands, invoke progcards_multiice by entering:

        C:\Boardfiles> progcards_multiice server_name
      • If the Multi-ICE server is running on the same machine, there is no need to supply a server name as the local host is the default. Invoke progcards_multiice by entering:

        C:\Boardfiles> progcards_multiice
    10. progcards_multiice searches for board description (*.brd) files that match the JTAG scan chain shown on the Multi-ICE server window. All board descriptions matching the first part of the chain are presented as a menu and you can select the file to use.

      progcards_multiice runs through the steps required to completely reprogram the boards. An example transcript is shown in Example 2.2.

    11. To bypass programming a Logic Tile or the baseboard select the Skip option from the menu. progcards_multiice then looks for board description (*.brd) files that match the next segment of scan chain and so on.

      Typically one menu is displayed for the Logic Tile and one menu is displayed for the baseboard. If only one board description matches your hardware, it is automatically selected and no menu is displayed.


      Ensure that the image file you are loading matches your system configuration. If the incorrect files are loaded, the baseboard and tiles might not function or might be unreliable.

    12. After downloading the image completes, turn the baseboard power off and move the CONFIG switch to the OFF position.

    13. Set the configuration switches to match the boot option you are using (see Setting the configuration switches).

    14. Power on the baseboard and use the Boot Monitor to load your application (see Using the baseboard Boot Monitor and platform library).

      If you are not using the Boot Monitor, use a JTAG debugger to load and run an application. See the documentation supplied with your debugger for details.

    Example 2.2. Example transcript for Multi-ICE and progcards_muiltiice.exe

    C:\BoardFiles> progcards_multiice
    ARM Development Card Logic Programmer
    Version 2.53
    Attempting to connect to Multi-ICE server
    Multi-ICE reports 4 TAP controllers
    Several possible boards detected at TAP position 0:-
    0: Quit progcards
    1: Skip (eb)
    2: EB (HBI-01409C) CTMPCore FPGA flash image 0 build28, Character LCD Mux build 3
    Make a choice: 2
    Step 1: PLD/SVF download of an1151/an151_eb_140c_xc2v6000_ct926umc_le_build3_mux_xc2c128_build2.svf
    Progress: 100.00%
    Step 2: FPGA download of an1151/an151_eb_140c_xc2v6000_via_build1.bit
    Progress: 100.00%, Throughput: 23.19k/s, Frame: 1458
    Step 3: Intel flash download of an1151/an151_eb_140c_ctmpcore_li_build7.bit
    Progress: 100.00%, Throughput: 31.68k/s
    Step 4: Intel flash verify against an1151/an151_eb_140c_xc2v6000_ctmpcore_li_build7.bit
    Progress: 100.00%, Throughput: 29.46k/s, Errors: 0%
    Step 5: PLD/SVF download of an1151/an151_eb_140c_mux_xc2c128_build1.svf
    Progress: 100.00%

    Procedure for progcards_usb.exe

    1. If it is not already installed, install the USB Debug Direct Control software.


      Windows USB Debug drivers must be installed before using the progcards_usb utility. Information on installing the USB drivers can be found in \boardfiles\USB_Debug_driver\readme.txt.

    2. Connect the USB cable from the host PC to the USB debug port (near the screw terminals) on the platform baseboard. See Figure 2.12.

    3. Move the CONFIG switch to the ON position (see Connecting JTAG debugging equipment).

    4. Turn on the power. The orange CONFIG LED lights.

    5. Start a command window by selecting Run from the start menu and entering command in the text box.

    6. Change directory to the directory that contains board description (*.brd) files for the design to be programmed.

    7. Start the programming utility by entering progcards_usb at the command prompt.


      If progcards_usb.exe is not in the current working directory, set your PATH environment variable to point to the directory that contains progcards_usb.exe.

    8. Progcards_usb searches for board description files that match the scan chain. All board descriptions matching the first part of the chain are presented as a menu and you can select the file to use.

      progcards_usb runs through the steps required to completely reprogram the boards. The output is similar to the example transcript is shown in Example 2.2.

    9. To bypass programming a Logic Tile or the baseboard select the Skip option from the menu. progcards_usb then looks for board description files that match the next segment of scan chain and so on.

      Typically one menu is displayed for the Logic Tile and one menu is displayed for the platform baseboard. If only one board description matches your hardware, it is automatically selected and no menu is displayed.

    10. After downloading the image completes, turn the power off and move the CONFIG switch to the OFF position.

    11. Set the configuration switches to match the boot option you are using (see Setting the configuration switches).

    12. Power on the board and use the Boot Monitor to load your application (see Using the baseboard Boot Monitor and platform library).

      If you are not using the Boot Monitor, use a JTAG debugger to load and run an application. See the documentation supplied with your debugger for details.

    Figure 2.12. USB debug port connection for progcards_usb


  ARM Versatile emulation baseboard 에 PICO Express 결과물 올리기 #1 
작성일시 : 2007. 9. 2. 18:00 | 분류 : 컴퓨터/PICO Express

작업 환경 구축
1.소프트웨어 설치
패키지에 있는 CD 두장 중 RVDS 3.0만 설치
설치 후 서비스팩1 설치
B.RVI 설치 에서 RVI 소프트웨어 검색 후 설치
드라이버도 설치한다.

2.하드웨어 설치
USB-serial 케이블, serial cable(male-male), RealView ICE, Baseboard

와 간단하다.

  VI Tips 
작성일시 : 2007. 8. 23. 20:56 | 분류 : 컴퓨터/LINUX

블록 선택
Ctrl + v

indent 정리

함수 폴딩
설정 zf
해제 zo

함수 범위 확인

파일 탐색하여 열기
10 창크기
vs verticalscreen
. 디렉토리

파일 처음과 끝 이동
처음 :1
끝 :$

되살리기 되돌아가기
되살리기 u
되돌리기 ctrl+r

창 분할 후 사이즈 조절
ctrwl+w N+ 가로 N만큼 늘리기
ctrwl+w N- 가로 N만큼 줄이기
ctrwl+w N> 가로 N만큼 오른쪽으로 늘리기
ctrwl+w N< 가로 N만큼 왼쪽으로 늘리기

편집중에 수행한 명령의 출력 불러오기
:r !command

블록 선택해서 주석 설정 해제하기
설정 :norm i//
해제 :norm 2x

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